The story of Deborah is a great anthem for women's liberation. it speaks to us of how God does not limit us by gender, ethnicity, etc. God does not see us in any way except as children of God. Chapter 5 is the song of what God has done for Israel through the obedience of Deborah and Jael. Notice the opening lines, "when the princes (leaders) in Israel take the lead, when the people willingly offer themselves......praise the Lord!" Isn't that true? When leaders lead and the people offer themselves, God can and will do wonderful things. When leaders fail in their responsibility, when the people fail in their responsibility; it makes it easy for the deceiver to accomplish his purpose and usher in a time of failure in the church. The Church is designed under the kingship of Jesus to be fully equipped for victory. A church that is failing is lacking in one of the key elements that are praised in this hymn of praise. God inspired leadership and God inspired laity can conquer the land in the name of the one true God.
Chapter 6 begins with this continuous cycle of blessing and curses. We know that following the great victory of Deborah there was a season of 40 years of peace, but once again Israel did evil in the eyes of the Lord and God sent the Midianites to drive them back into repentence. This might be hard to think about, but is it possible that the Midianites were an instrument of God's grace? God could have allowed Israel to continue to sink in the abyss of idol worship and evil, but God did not. He sent the Midianite raiders to cause Israel to cry out again to the God of their Ancestors and he could answer their prayers. The Midianites were desert people. Israel had defeated them during the time of the Exodus, but they didn't finish the job and here they are back giving them fits. They come in raiding parties during the time of harvest to steal the fruit of Israel's labor. Isn't that what sin does? It robs us of the 1st fruits that God intends for us.
Gideon is an unlikely hero. He is from the half tribe of Manasseh and the least among them. He had a pretty low opinion of himself. But he does have some things going for him. 1st he is a humble man. winnowing barley in the winepress is an indicator of his humility and of some good thinking. Instead of winnowing in the open where others could see the harvest he lowers himself into this place that is hot and sticky and dirty (the wind does not blow through the wine press). 2nd he cares. He is thoughtful about Israel's problems and how they no longer bring honor to themselves or to God. He has knowledge of God's care for Israel in the past and he is spiritually hungering to see God again to marvelous works to and through Israel. And he is teachable. None of the rest matters if Gideon is not ready to hear and respond to God. But he is so God shows up. this is called a theophany when God appears in a bodily form to interact with a human being. god tells Gideon that he is going to use him to defeat the Midianites. Gideon asks for a sign and the Angel of the Lord consumes Gideon's offering in the fire. Gideon asks for another sign. The fleece is wet and the ground is dry. Gideon presses God for another sign. The fleece is dry and the ground is wet. Does this remind you of Abraham arguing with God over Sodom and Gommorah?
convinced that God is indeed with him, Gideon destroys the Baal altar in his community. But he is not 100% convinced that God will protect him so he does this work in the cover of darkness. God does protect him and Gideon is further encouraged. he calls for an army and 32,000 answer the call. God say, "too many". If I allow you to defeat Midian with this army, you will think it is because of your great power. Obey me and know that I am God and I fight this fight for you.
God winnowed that army down to 300 men and then he allowed Gideon to overhear the Midianite soldiers discussing a dream about a loaf of barley bread rolling into and destroying their camp. Do you remember what kind of farmer Gideon was? he raises barley. God had given a vision to Midian that a loaf of Barley bread would be their undoing. If he needed more assurance that God was using him in a mighty way, Gideon had it. he immediately called his army of 300 to prepare for war. He armed each man with a earthen pot with a torch inside, a sword and a trumpet. They surrounded the Gideon camp and at Gideon's command each man broke the clay pot revealing the lighted torch and they sounded their trumpets. The lights and the trumpets caused the Midianite armies to believe that they were surrounded by a vast army. Each lamp and each trumpet represented a company of men. The Midianites fled in confusion and even fought each other. Gideon called for the men of Israel to pursue and complete the rout that God had ordained.
What should we take from this story? God can do more than we can imagine. We do not have to have a vast and powerful army of volunteers to conquer sin and evil. God does speak through signs and they are visible to those with eyes to see and ears to hear. Are you looking for a sign? It might be right in front of you. Is your fleece wet or dry? Give God glory for your victories. Know that God's strength is made perfect in our weakness.
Just wanted to thank you, Pastor, for adding this blog to your never-ending daily 'to do' list. I know you will say it is a labor of love and it is easy to read that is true. Your love for God's Word shines through each and every post. Thank you for the daily dose of encouragement as you highlight our reading. May the Lord richly bless your obedience.