Sunday, April 17, 2011

1 Chronicles 9-13

What a great day!!  The choir was wonderful with their Easter cantata.  the kids had a wonderful time with the Easter egg hunt and pictures with the bunnies.....thanks to the Valley 4-H club for their kindness in providing for our children.  The fellowship luncheon was extremely well attended.  The food was good, I ate to much, the decorations where inspirational.  Thanks to all the cooks, the decorators, the furniture movers.  Confirmation class concluded this evening.  We have 8 beautiful and bright confirmands to welcome into the Body of Christ on the 1st Sunday of May.  Palm Sunday, Easter Sunday, Confirmation Sunday, Mother's Day, and the hits just keep on coming.  God is so good to us!!

Just a couple of thoughts about today's Bible reading.  It seems to me that Ezra (the writer of the Chronicles) is making a big deal about the genealogy in order to establish the legitimacy of those who are returning from the exile.  God had established an order in Israel; an order for the tribes and clans and an order for worship that included Priests and others who served.  If Israel was to honor God in the future, it was important to remember what God had called them to be and to re-establish that which God intended.  Perhaps this is the work that we are called to as well.  How do we practice Christian dominion in a world a complicated as the one that we live in?  Do the mandates, the rules, the edicts of God still mean the same for us as they did in the days of Israel?

Much of the story of Saul and David was read in the book of Samuel, but there is a great deal of attention given in this writing of the "mighty men of David".  Part of this is to illustrate the popular support that David had from all of the tribes and even from those who were not a part of Israel.  This is a unification them that runs throughout the Chronicles.  There is no longer a Judah and an Israel there is one body and that body is Israel.

there is something there for us as well.  David was made great because there were so many that believed and supported.  The church is made great because of the faithful works of the many who make up the body.  Throughout the testimony of the scriptures there is a call to unity with God.  For the Christian that is a call to unity with Christ and his work.  One Savior.  We have divided the church with our quarrels and spats.  Christ calls us to honor God with our work that Glorifies the one God.  We honor God when we are unified......each bringing the gift of their particular calling and together it is a mighty work.....their is unity, harmony and a pleasant song rises to the heavens.

It is the Beginning of Holy Week.  Let us honor God with the praise of righteous lives that are lived in unity with the teachings of Jesus Christ.  Have a blessed week.  Hope to see you at one or our services this week.  Logos children's Easter program on Wednesday, Maundy Thursday or Easter Friday.  Love to you all!!

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