we continue to read the evidence of the double portion of Elijah that fell on Elisha and continues in his ministry to Israel.
In Chapter 5 we have the story of the miraculous healing of Namaan, one of the great generals of Syria. This healing should be evidence to us that God's love and mercy was not for Israel alone, but Israel was intended to be a blessing to the world. Namaan was not an Israelite. He learns that God has a man in Samaria (northern kingdom of Israel). He asks permission of the king and goes to Samaria to ask the Holy man of God to heal him. Elisha declares that God will heal him if he goes and washes in the Jordan 7 times. Naaman feels that this task is beneath him. He leaves in anger, but one of his servants implores the great general to be obedient. Namaan is and is healed. The task of bathing in the Jordan was not an elixir of healing.....it was meant to show that it was the God of Israel who healed. Namaan learns his lesson and tries to reward Elisha for this miracle. Elisha refuses, he wants Namaan to know that God blesses who he blesses and no amount of money can buy God's blessing. Namaan is convinced that Jehovah is God and God alone. He takes earth from Samaria back with him to build an altar on so he may worship the one true God.
Elisha's servant sees and opportunity to make a little extra money. He runs after Namaan and seeks part of the reward that he brought with him from Syria. Namaan gives it too him without hesitation. By asking for this reward, the servant of Elisha earns God's curse. He has placed a price tag on his service to God and, in a way, on God's goodness. The former should only be done out of love for our Creator. The later cannot be purchased at any price.....it is given by God as evidence of his love for his creation.
In Chapter 6 we begin with a strange miracle; the miracle of the floating ax head. I do not know its purpose except perhaps that instruments of iron (axehead) are very expensive in these days. These prophets have no wealth and to have to replace the ax head (mosaic law, restorative justice) might well have meant that the one who lost it would have to indenture himself to the rightful owner until he was able to earn enough to pay his debt. The miracle may have been God providing for these prophets who served him so faithfully.
The next miracle is one of protection. The Syrian King has grown angry that he cannot set an ambush for Israel's army because Elisha continues to warn them. He sends his army to destroy this prophet of God. Elisha's servant fears this army that approaches but Elisha reveals to him the great army of God that surrounds them and protects them. This may be the right time to remind you that we are not alone in this world. As surely as we exist, there are also forces of good and evil that are doing battle for our souls. Elisha has revealed to his servant that God has sent a mighty force to protect his servant Elisha. He has no fear of this puny human force.....what did the Apostle Paul say, "if God is for us, who can stand against us!" God blinds the Syrian force in a supernatural way. Elisha leads them into the stronghold of Israel and gives them back their sight. The must have feared for their lives, but Elisha ordered the Israelis to feed the enemy and send them home to Syria with this story of their capture and release. That should have caused a little fear in their hearts of this God of Israel. I wonder if Namaan had an opportunity to visit with any of these soldiers about his experience with Jehovah.
Finally comes the story of Syria's army lays siege to Samaria. In a siege, the city is surrounded and held hostage until their surrender. The siege has been long enough that hunger has become the constant companion of the Samarians. In fact, food is so scarce that folks are will to pay high prices for anything to eat, even those things that are forbidden to them. There is also the story that some of the most desperate are considering cannibalism.
We believe the King of Israel at this time is Joram. He becomes angry at God's man Elisha, but Elisha tells him to wait. Tomorrow he will see God at work in a miraculous way....so miraculous that food will be extraordinarily cheap and plentiful. The miracle is that sometime during the night, the Syrian army believes that they are being set upon by a vastly superior force and they flee into the night, leaving everything that they possess behind. Do you remember that army of chariots that protected Elisha in the previous miracle? Do you suppose they showed themselves again causing the enemy to high tail it out of there?
God is able to do these things and more. He protects and he provides and he does it without payment from those he blesses, but our response should always be worshipful praise. Even when we are in a dry and difficult time we must live expectantly. God may show up and his timing is always perfect.
I surely hope that you will be in church on Sunday to learn a little about a modern day miracle as Sara Howard comes to tell us the wonderful story of God's intervention in their family's life and in the life of one amazing little girl named Grace! Have a great evening and enjoy the promised good weather on Saturday.
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