Thursday, August 18, 2011

Go Out in Joy.....Isaiah 55

We have had a couple of very great days in Yellowstone.  It is utterly amazing what God did with this part of his creation.  In many ways, it is unlike anything that we have ever seen.  Some parts of it are even other worldly.  And the animals.....elk, moose, deer and buffalo.....100's and 100's of buffalo (maybe they are bison to the purist).  In fact, we were awakened this morning by 6-8 Bison wandering by the window of our cabin....where else could that happen?  God is awesome in power and his creative talents are without equal.

When you stop and consider all that surrounds us, his creation is utterly amazing in all part of the earth and each piece and parcel is unique and without equal and nothing is as other worldly as that which we await when Jesus comes to usher in a new time and a new place and there is a new heaven and a new Jerusalem and time will have no meaning.  Thinking about it reminds me of one of my favorite Isaiah verses (55:12) "You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands."

I have enjoyed everyplace that I have been fortunate to live and to visit.  Yellowstone was fantastic, but I am looking forward to being home and enjoying the work that God has called me to.  It is a one of a kind place filled with God's good people.  Just thinking about the goodness that I have enjoyed in the company of the people of Faith makes my heart sing.  See you soon.  I know that you will enjoy the word that Ken Howard has for you in my absence.

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