Friday, February 4, 2011

another thought

As I was eating another delightful dinner with my lovely wife, I was thinking about today's readings and the piece about and eye for and eye and a tooth for a tooth, which is often quoted when we are talking about punishment that fits the crime.  But then I thought that much of what God says to us is to keep us from sinking to levels that are beneath what God created us to be and I thought that perhaps this passage was to limit our need for revenge.....that it was to set a limit on our retribution.  God calls us to be examples of justice, righteousness and love and to do that we must be quick to forgive.  Forgiveness is a most difficult thing for many of us.  We say....I'll forgive but I won't forget.  And that statement says we have not truly forgiven.  If we are to emulate God's revelation in Jesus Christ we are to forgive as he forgave and that means more than and eye for an eye.  it means going the extra our coat when our cloak is demanded of us.  Hard stuff....but I think it is the way of the Cross.  Sleep well my friends.  See you on Sabbath Day.

1 comment:

  1. I wrote a prayer this week that says, "Help me to forgive even when 'I'm sorry' isn't said."

    Following Jesus has proven to be the most difficult and exhilarating way of life.

    Thank you for the encouragement!
