What a beautiful winter's day!! The sun is shining and the earth is seemingly at rest beneath the mantle of pure white. Would that we were cleansed as easily from the burden of sin that presses in upon us. It is sin that necessitates the creation of the law that allows God to define for us what is right and what is wrong. Without the law we might decide for ourselves what is good and what is evil and to do that would cause us to forget what righteousness really looks like. We would forget that we are sinners in need of a savior.
Chapter 24 includes instructions for maintaining the lamps upon the altar. They are to be kept burning at all times as a symbol of God's presence. This is part of the background for the Jewish celebration of Hanukkah when the sacred olive oil used in the lamps had been profaned and defiled and there was only a single container of oil available to keep the altar lamps burning. It was only enough for a single day, but God miraculously kept the lamps burning for 8 days with this oil; enough time to allow olives to be pressed and new oil to be prepared. this miracle occurred during the time of the Maccabees and is still celebrated worldwide by Jews.
The story of the stoning of the blasphemer reminds us of the 3rd commandment; Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain. It is true that we have become very casual with our language. I suspect that God is not very excited about the way we have treated this commandment.
Chapter 25 sets out the details for the celebration of the year of Jubilee. There is no evidence that Jubilee was ever really celebrated, but what a marvelous time it would be because everything was restored to its proper order.....all poverty would be extinguished. Remember this was set up in preparation for the Promised land. Every tribe and every tribesman would be established in this new country and the promise of Jubilee was that lands would be restored to the tribe, regardless of any financial misfortune every 50 years. Also in this chapter is the concept of the kinsman redeemer which is spoken of in the story of Ruth. Part of what is going on in this chapter is the concept that the land is never ours, it belongs to God....it is the idea, established first in the garden, that we have dominion but not ownership. Today, we would say that wouldn't work, but the concept of non-ownership is practiced in Hawaii and on many native American Tribal grounds where you build homes on leased land and after a period of 50 or 100 years, the land reverts back to the tribe or state....same concept...we are not the owners of the land....we care for it while we have it, but ultimately, it is not ours.
Chapter 26 reminds us that there is a price for disobedience and rebellion. Just as a loving parent will punish a recalcitrant child, God will not ignore our violations of his commandments for ever. His punishments are not done out of anger, but out of love; that we might be driven to our knees where we might repent of our sin and be restored to the fellowship that God created us for that we might recieve the full blessing of being sons and daughters of the Most High God. Would that we would draw closer in this year of 2011 as we read his words and seek to walk in his will.
don't forget the all-church conference at 10 a.m. on Sunday, during the Sunday School hour. We will be deciding whether we should keep or sell the current church parsonage. Have a great weekend. Don't forget to honor God by keeping his Sabbath. God bless you!!
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