Saturday, February 12, 2011

numbers 23-25

thanks to all of you who are reading faithfully.  The Old Testament is sometimes difficult reading but it is filled with instruction for God's people and those who seek to walk righteously before our God.  I am very grateful to those of you who comment on the blog or who speak to me about your reading; it is an encouragement to me to know that you are following along even though my commentary my be a rambling dialogue.  Today will be short.  Our youngest granddaughter spent the night and she demands a lot of attention.  What a joy she is to us!!

Today's reading is a continuation of the story of Balaam; a man who was obviously spiritually gifted but was not spiritually mature.  If you wonder how God could or would use a man who seeks to make financial gain out of his gift please remember that God used a donkey to talk and now he is using an even bigger donkey for his purposes.  Nothing is too great for our God!!  Balak is trying to pay Balaam to curse Israel, but Balaam is unable to do so.  We should at least give them man credit for not defying God's direction by refusing to offer the blessing that he is given.  We should not think that our denying God's truth will ever change the course of god's plans for the world.  All we can chose to do is to decide if we are going to be a part of God's great work or languish in our rebellion.

Don't miss the great prophecy of Jesus in chapter 24.  "A star shall come from Jacob.  A Scepter shall rise out of Israel."  Balaam is being used to begin to paint the picture of the coming Messiah. 

Chapter 25 continues to tell the story of man's self-destructive ways.  Israel cannot seem to refrain from sin (how like us).  What the enemy could not do, Israel would do to itself by disobedience to God's call for holiness in their camp.  Satan always seeks to corrupt.  One of Israel's greatest temptations was sexual immorality and the temptation to worship false Gods such as the Canaanite fertility God Baal.  How often does the scripture remind us to "guard our heart". 

I pray that your reading today will strengthen your desire to be "holy of heart" and that that holiness will guide you ways that will make you "holy in life".  To live holy is to love as God instructs and the power of that love can change the world.

Hope to see you tomorrow in Church.  The Cub Scouts will be having a fundraising chili lunch following 2nd service.  Hope you can support these young men in their efforts.  God bless you!

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