Friday, January 14, 2011

Joseph, part 2

The story of Joseph reminds that God "can use all things for good, for those who love the Lord."  What the brothers had meant for evil, God has used in his plan to preserve a nation and keep a promise made by covenant with Abraham and passed down to Isaac and to Jacob.  How can we know in our limited capability, what God is doing in and through us if we release ourselves to his will and his way.  We are in a long line of folks that have been blessed because God is a covenant keeper.

I was struck by litany of names in the 46th chapter of Isaac's family that came to Egypt to be protected from the famine.  Including Joseph and his children there were 70 in number.  Why was this important for us to know.  I flipped over to Exodus as the children of Israel were about to leave the bondage that they had been put in.  The scriptures record that there 600,000 men plus women and children.  How many would that be?  Not more numerous than the stars in the night sky or the sands in the sea, but certainly the beginning of a mighty nation.  God is at work in these stories and he is at work around and in us.  Our prayer is that he would give us eyes to see and ears to hear that we might be able to speak a testimony of his presence and his goodness.  Amen!

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